Thursday, November 17, 2005

Hows YOUR day?lol

Ok this is how I looked this morning when Tony called to say his truck had broken down! "Bad hair day zombie". I had stayed up late last night after getting home from work and watching 'Lost' and 'Invasion'.....I'm a Wednesday night ABC TV baby.....I played on the computer coz I knew I could sleep in...ha ha! So of course he called at 6:30 a.m. & said'could you come pick me up?'

I rolled out of bed & threw on some sweats & grabbed some coffee...I don't even think I started waking up till I was halfway there!!!When he got in the car (after screaming LIKE A WOMAN when I drove up.....not really,lol:)I said "I didn't have time to get pretty' & I could see him trying not to laugh, finally he said'should I drive? you really don't look awake!'

By the way, is this national car trouble week and someone forgot to send me the notice?

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