Monday, May 16, 2011

Planting flowers:) and..pool's open!

so, due to a sale on some plants from someone closing a small greenhouse, we are now 'planters' :)
 we started out with 5 gardenia plants and an aloe plant, and then of course had to get topsoil, according to my husband, who Has actually planted stuff before..myself? I'm known for previously killing an air fern (which is supposed to be indestructible) and then, we had to get More plants..
                                        tomato plants are in the back row..I wouldn't Know they were tomato plants, lol, except someone else told me they were. I spent my early years always finding a reason to be gone when gardeners around me got to gardening,lol.
I also got 2 hanging pots with flowers, too, for the lower deck.

and then Tony got ahold of a Michigan Bulb company catalog, so possibly I've created a monster..

April and I went to see  Bridesmaids  (which was Hilarious, by the way:) and came home to Tony saying 'um, I ordered some bulbs", and that's how it starts!!

oh, and by the way...pool's open!

we went for the first swim on Saturday!! :)


Linda said...

Can't wait for you to go over the edge again this year!

Tracy said...

Love the picture of you and April. yay for the pool! And bulbs!