Thanks to a gift certificate:) I finally got one of the books that has been on my wishlist for a couple of years
Mysteries and Histories: Shipwrecks of the Great Lakes by Wes Oleszewski
having grown up in Michigan, and also living there the year the Edmund Fitzgerald sank, which I've never forgotten....I've just always been interested since then in stories about shipping on the Lakes....yes, I am That much of a geek :)
My book came yesterday, Woo Hoo! and I'm almost done with it.
of course, at the same time, I'm still reading The Sandbox , which has been really cool......a lot of the blog posts that are featured in there I remember reading 'back in the day', and it's like revisiting old friends.
Well, mainly just wanted to wish everyone "Happy New Year"
we have felt so very blessed in 2009, and want to wish everyone a safe, happy, healthy and blessed 2010!

Christian Glitter by
Happy New Year to you and your Family. Helen
Thanks,Helen, the same to you and yours:)
Happy New Year
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