Well, if you judged our lives by what I post here on the 'family blog', there's not much going on, huh?
but really, how many times can you write......."went to work, came home"?....LOL
(there's a Reason this blog is subtitled 'watching paint dry')
A Red Thread to China, the sis and bro-in-law's blog, is going 'private'......so head on over there and see what to do, if you want to continue following their story.
I have been spending most of my time on the Internet lately doing my research on Fallen Soldiers for the volunteer work I do for the Soldiers Angels Living Legends team.......sadly, too many fallen heroes lately, my thoughts and prayers are with all of their families.
other than that......the school year is winding down for April, and it boggles my mind to think she'll be a Senior next year!! Kyle comes by on a regular basis to do his laundry,lol. I keep up with the family news on Facebook, and mostly it's just the same old, same old around here. I Really miss having a pool, but we put a pool that was on sale on Layaway yesterday.....Yay!!!
Dustin seems to be doing well.......working hard. Havent' heard from Ben and Emma lately, but I'm sure they're busy,too.......life seems to be on fast forward some days......at least I had my recent 3 day weekend to recharge a little. I'm SO looking forward to Michigan in Oct, for my 30 year reunion of the high school I went to for most of my school years, even though I moved to Virginia for my senior year.
This upcoming weekend is my weekend to work, but I managed to be able to take a day off for Sat, to see April participate in the 'Court Days' that they have downtown..........she'll be wearing a period costume, hoop skirt and all, I'll have to get pics of that.....should be pretty cool :)
and that's the latest exciting news from our neck of the woods.